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Looking for Other Alternatives to File Listing Program

Less than a month after a blog “Cloudflare Workers + KV Deploys OnePoint to Mount OneDrive with Rclone” written in March this year, the E5 was forced to expire. The method introduced in this blog cannot be implemented in OneDrive account without API. You can go to the author’s blog of ” E5自动订阅程序” to have a look. The address is https://qyi.io/archives/687.html, which is still accessible at present.

As a result, the file listing programs implemented by the API-based OneDrive account I set up before can no longer be opened. These file listing programs include the following two addresses:



Keep the above two addresses temporarily, and update them after applying for an OneDrive account with API later.

Then, the next question is, is it possible to implement the file listing program for OneDrive accounts without API or other online disk accounts such as Ali Cloud Disk? The answer is yes. After searching, I found a simple and practical implementation of the file listing program Alist, but it needs to be built on the server. Are there still free servers or containers available? Of course there are. I tried to do it with two free containers, GoormIDE and Replit.

For the free container application and use of GoormIDE, please refer to the blog post “GoormIDE的VPS白嫖(1)-白嫖与安装宝塔面板教程”. Currently free account can set an Always on.

The detailed process is as follows:

One-click Script is only for Linux-x86_64/arm64 platform. The default installation is in /opt/alist.


curl -fsSL “https://alist.nn.ci/v3.sh” | bash -s install


curl -fsSL “https://alist.nn.ci/v3.sh” | bash -s update

# Grant the program execution permission

chmod +x alist

# Run the program

./alist server

# Get administrator information

./alist admin

#nohup command enables the program to always run in the background.

Query whether nohup is installed:

which nohup

If /usr/bin/nohup is displayed, it proves that it has been installed.

Use of commands:

nohup Command [Arg…] [&]

Among them: Command is the command to be executed, Arg is some parameters, you can specify the output file, & lets the command execute in the background, and the command is still executed after the terminal exits.

The complete execution process is as follows:

curl -fsSL “https://alist.nn.ci/v3.sh” | bash -s install

cd /opt/alist

chmod +x alist

nohup ./alist server &

For a detailed tutorial on how to build an Alist with Replit, see the blog post “利用replit搭建Alist“.

The software package of alist-linux-amd64.tar.gz can also be directly uploaded to the file directory of Replit. The downloading address is as follows: https://alist.summersnow2001.repl.co/%E5%B1%B1%E4%B8%9C %E5%86%9C%E4%B8%9A%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%A6365%E7%A9%BA%E9%97%B4/alist-for-replit-main.zip

Finally, list the access addresses of my above two file listing programs:




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